Friday, June 5, 2009

JackMaster building

Woo~ I'm working on my JackMaster site, which is where I put my artwork and things that don't fall into "fanart", "showcase", or "Christian" categories.

Ended up using Wordpress with the simplest template I could find as it fits the theme that JackMaster doesn't really have a theme--it's my stuff at its most basic.

I might have it unofficially online tommorow or in a few more days as I still have to add in links and figure out what I want the gallery to be like.


Jessy said...

Let me know how you like wordpress-- I want to try to get my hands on classmates actually manage to import her own html to wordpress thus creating her own template...

Psycho Ann said...

It's great! There are some buggy things, like their category listing and hierarchy controls, but so far I'm liking it.

Then again, as a very basic user, I'm probably not the best person to ask. XD