Sunday, May 24, 2009

Age of Reptiles tribute

Pencil sketched then colored through quick with Photoshop (and a dabble of Painter for the background).

It's been quite a while since I've drew something just because I wanted to--in fact, it seems the last time I did so was last year.

Well, I'm happy I can strike this off my list. Showbread's Age of Reptiles album is in my top 5 favoritiest albums of all time and I've had this image of a kid in a croc mask in my head from the first time I heard the titular song. The album in whole is just awesome but the song has a great message.

I went through many concepts before deciding a straight on shot would be enough. This piece can also be put in my "creepy young girls" series (yes, I seem to draw those a lot).

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